Videos & Blog

January 31, 2025
Join my conversation with Christina, grief counselor, for a warm and uplifting discussion about navigating grief on your path to motherhood.
June 26, 2024
February 23, 2022
October 14, 2021
Frieden und Glück beginnt im Inneren und wir hoffen, dass dir diese Podcast-Unterhaltung dabei hilft, äußere Bedingungen loszualssen und dich nach deiner inneren Stimme zu richten.
June 4, 2021
We all have our very personal set of mental Saboteurs that hold us back from living our full positive potential in relationships and work.
But are you aware, which Saboteurs are exactly yours?
May 14, 2021
February 15, 2021
December 1, 2020
July 13, 2020
Mindset Shifts & a New Freedom abroad, during times of Major Uncertainty in my life! Recently, when I sat down for a podcast interview with Olympic Advisors, a Mobility Specialist based in Barcelona, I realized that all my professional life I’d spent as an “Expat”. Fresh out of University, I’d […]
June 8, 2020
How to create new opportunities when your “perfect plan” just fell apart due to the global pandemic. Times of massive changes and daunting uncertainty, as we’re facing them right now, are plastered with “broken dreams” or “perfect plans” that fell apart in a blink of an eye. Whether it had […]
May 5, 2020
Vivid dreams, weird dream “encounters”, nightmares lately? Experiencing changes in your sleep are totally normal these days… Lately, I was observing some pretty strange “developments” in my life. And started asking myself at one point, am I slowing going Corona-Crazy? But let me tell you first, what happened, maybe you […]
April 15, 2020
Podcast Alert! I’m very excited to share this very special Podcast Interview with you. In this conversation, I’m sharing my tips from Life Designing (the revision of the 5-steps-design-process to create new opportunities) and my personal story of struggling with finding clarity about what’s truly of value and of meaning […]
March 8, 2020
Building a life that’s in alignment with your authentic self requires one essential thing – Your Authentic Self! In other words, an authentic life requires from us to live in close connection to the whole spectrum of emotions and feelings we experience, to listen to their wisdom and insights, and […]
March 1, 2020
Sometimes, the present moment is the last place where you want to be. Your job is stressing you out, your relationship is going through a rough patch or you’re still single and start to lose faith in love, or you’re definitely not where you thought you’d be with all those […]
February 16, 2020
Love is in the Air! The Valentine’s greeting cards might be still on your desk, the roses still look fresh, and you’re maybe still recovering from those “celebrations of love” and the Champagne that came along with it. Yes, lately we’ve been exposed to a “whole lotta love”. Impossible to […]
February 2, 2020
Sometimes you’re more than aware, that you’re about to make a life changing decision. Maybe it’s the moment you finally decide to leave this partnership, that’s no longer working. Maybe it’s the decision to quit your job or to move to another country. Maybe it’s the decision to launch your […]
January 27, 2020
Our human connections and interactions are the most enriching experiences in our lives, but can also be the most challenging ones. So how do we navigate through challenging conversations? How can we agree on “not agreeing”?How do we communicate through listening and through true connections? Find out more in this inspiring and heartfelt conversation with Renata […]
January 12, 2020
A couple of weeks ago I had gotten into a nasty argument… I had asked someone for marketing business advice and for feedback on my website and was shocked! He actually came up with several points of improvement, and pointed out some basic marketing shortcomings!!! How dare he, especially since […]
December 15, 2019
So let’s wrap up this 2019 properly, shall we? Every year I’m sharing with you a little practice, how to wrap up the old year, and set the tracks for a new, successful, happy and fulfilling year to come. This year, I want to do something different, and decided two […]
December 8, 2019
With the Holiday Season at our doorstep, everything seems to be about gifts, gifts, gifts. And even if you’re, quite understandably, opposing this Uber-materialistic gift circus, there’re certain gifts we shouldn’t neglect. Great gifts we should share over-generously with the world around us, like gifting our attention, gifting some time, […]
November 24, 2019
Life Designing Conversations Life Designing is all about self-exploration and self-realization: Re-connecting with yourself, your strengths, your values, your aspirations. Therefore, I’m inviting you on a self-exploration journey and will present inspiring personal development tools in the upcoming months to you, which you can combine with your individual Life Designing journey, […]
November 10, 2019
How frustrating! You took matters in your hands and started to design a life you truly love, shifted things in your personal life, addressed frustrations in your job and made remarkable changes. You started to take full responsibility for your health and wellbeing and became active and motivated to do […]
November 3, 2019
Last week I followed a talk by Deepak Chopra, addressing aspiring writers to support them in their writing process. Especially one passage resonated deeply with me, when he was talking about the difference between writing from a state of motivation, or writing from a state of inspiration. Many days after, […]
October 27, 2019
Awareness is key – the rest is practice I’m constantly talking about the concept of being a Life Designer vs. being a Life Planner. Or, more correctly, behaving like a Life Designer vs. behaving like a Life Planner, because it’s less about innate character traits, and more about the habit […]
October 14, 2019
Last week I shared with you Lily’s story. An inspiring example how much we can change and achieve in one short year. I received wonderful feedback from your side as a reaction to this story, so I decided to dig deeper into the topic of “Life Changes”, for two reasons: […]