Recently, when I sat down for a podcast interview with Olympic Advisors, a Mobility Specialist based in Barcelona, I realized that all my professional life I’d spent as an “Expat”.
Fresh out of University, I’d moved to Brussels, to launch an international career as a lawyer/ lobbyist and pursue this path for more than 10 years.
And then Brazil, another career and life-milestone.
Both experiences couldn’t have been more different from each other (and I’m not talking Geographics or weather-wise). Brussels had been an experience of following step by step a linear career path and Brazil had been exactly the opposite: nothing linear, nothing planned, nothing certain or foreseeable.
Both abroad-experiences had been extremely valuable, unforgettable experiences, that brought unforgettable learning experiences and unforgettable people and friendships into my life.
In case you’re in a moment of uncertainty and change, dear friend, not sure where to go next or how to move forward, that’s actually a good thing. That’s your moment of “freedom”.
The freedom of a “structured” exploration, if you keep a couple of life designing principles in mind, to facilitate this experience.
Join me for this new Podcast Interview with Olympic Advisors; 15 minutes of Life Designing & Mindset tips, mindset shifts, insights and personal experiences. And of courses, packed with loads of good vibes 🙂
You can find the interview on: Spotify or i-Tunes, Episode 8 of “Ready, Mindest, Go!”
Are you looking for support on your exploration-journey? Interested in my 1×1 Coaching Services? Simply send me an E-mail, and we’ll schedule a free orientation call.