Individual Coaching Sessions

Is this You?
You have a hard time finding joy and motivation when starting and shaping your days?
You feel constantly overwhelmed and burned out?
You struggle to find clarity in your current life situation and feel blocked and stuck about your next steps, professionally and/or personally?
You feel there are more setbacks, disappointments, and obstacles in your life than success stories, positive surprises, and promising opportunities?

Dear, you’re not alone!
We all experience times when we lack clarity, positive anticipation, motivation, or fulfillment. Times when we can even lose the “spark” for life.
But we shouldn’t forget that those times are also precious turning points: In those moments, we have the choice and opportunity to leave behind the outdated version of our life and create something new and more aligned with our authentic selves, with our actual needs, our values, and our dreams.
Sometimes, it’ll only take a few tweaks and adjustments to get there; sometimes, you’ll open a whole new chapter.
With my unique approach of combining Life Designing, Brain-based Coaching®️, and Positive Intelligence ®️, I'll support you on this journey of finding clarity, overcoming your blocks and challenges, and taking action toward a life you truly love.
Individual Coaching sessions (via Skype or Zoom) auf Deutsch, in English, em Português.Different Coaching Packages are available, depending on your individual needs.
Contact me to schedule a free Orientation Call and find out how my Coaching can change your life and your future.