It’s never too late…is it?!


Ever heard this inner voice, telling you it might be too late…?!

Too late to make a career change, too late to find love, too late to start a family, too late to move to another country?

I guess, most of us know these kind of voices, in one version or another. Ranging from a soft whisper once in a while and building up to an obnoxious, ongoing alarm bell over time.

So if these questions ever occurred to you, my Video Interview with journalist/author Bettina Gordon-Wayne is a MUST!

Bettina is the author of the inspiring book “The Joy of Later Motherhood” (a super recommendation for every women who’s considering motherhood a bit later in life)  and host of the new Youtube Show “It’s never too late…to build a life you love”


Bettina invited me to share my experiences and tips around the topic of “Never too late…” and the outcome is a deeply personal conversation, filled with insights and tips, about changing your life and career path and finding love a (bit) later in life and a bit different then expected.


In our conversation we talked about:

– How the body knows best when something is not right any longer.
– Should you leave everything or take small steps towards your dream?
– What if income, prestige, and all the business trips are gone overnight?
– Ever thought: “OMG, what have I done?”
– Why it’s important to not look back.
– Scaling down in order to ramp up again.
– When you are aligned with your calling does that mean the path is magical?
– Why your country of origin may not be the country to do your best work in
– The difference of motherhood at 39 and six years later.
– Why building your own path brick by brick is more valuable than being “rescued” out of a situation by a man.
– Will the partner that’s meant for you find you?
Indeed, it’s never too late to build a life you love. Take my word for it.💛




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