I’m a wholehearted “Imperfectionist”! Oh yes, you heard me right.
This doesn’t mean that I don’t have the highest standards for my work or how I show up in life. On the contrary. I’ll always make sure to show up 100% for everything I’m putting out there. In all areas of my life.
And I would never strive for something mediocre.
What I’m talking about is embracing imperfection when you want to move things out of your head and into reality.
Our biggest enemy in moving forward in our lives is perfectionism.
It’s what keeps our great ideas neatly locked up in our head and prevents us from getting active.
“I’m not ready yet”
” I need further training”
“My idea is not perfect yet”
“I’m not sure if this is really what I want”
All this is our perfectionism talking, and our fear! And if you decide to follow them, nothing will move forward.
Here are my 3 steps to beat perfectionism and get started:
And most importantly, embrace all these imperfect attempts and prototypes because they are the building blocks for amazing, and sometimes even perfect, end results.
Watch this week’s video to learn more about these 3 steps. And to find out how I committed to prototype my new career within two weeks.