Between quitting my previous career and having no clue what to do next and now, teaching and empowering other people to build up their inner strength, confidence and guidance system.
These past 4 years have been a rollercoaster, on all levels. Emotionally, intellectually, spiritually, and also physically.
And living in my “comfort zone” feels most of the time as out of reach as living on mars.
But, by no means, would I change anything about it.
The biggest shift that happened in these past years hasn’t been moving to another continent or taking on a new career.
The biggest and most impactful shift had happened in my mind.
I slowly started to uncover all those limiting beliefs that had kept me a prisoner of a life experience and life perception that was no longer aligned with myself. Once I started to work on those limiting beliefs, life around me picked up on this shift and things started to move in the right direction. And up to date I’m extremely cautious and mindful about the direction and intention of my beliefs.
Another major learning was the realization that I’d never be done with “transition” or “change”.
There’ll be times of massive changes and there’ll be times of subtle, almost imperceptible shifts; but change is always part of my life journey.
It’s nothing we have to get through as fast as possible, it’s omnipresent and our steady companion. And the easier I’m about constant change and therefore to a certain extent, constant uncertainty, the more relaxed and joyful my journey becomes.
This is another really big one.
Especially for someone who hadn’t been much of a risk taker or adventurer in the professional area back then.
And the past years have been a constant fight against my various fears, doubts and insecurities.
But it had also been a constant victory over them.
Because I chose and choose on a daily basis not to be stopped by these fears.
And I know that feeling ready, feeling confident and feeling certain is the result of the actions I’ve taken and not their precondition.
Want to know more about my career transition and what happened when I stopped planing and started designing my career? Read more