The most underrated action step in Life Designing

When reaching a point in our life where we start to question our current status-quo, or where we feel stuck or confused how to move forward, we usually seek answers through exploring what’s important to us and what it is that we want to create in the future. 

And that’s a really valuable way to figure out how to move forward.

But very often we’re overlooking extremely insightful and helpful information about how to move forward that’s right under our nose:
Experiencing and evaluating what we don’t like! 

In Life Designing, when we’re designing our way forward, we know that all information is equally important. Regardless if we gained it through positive or negative experience.

Unfortunately negative experiences are often labeled as “failures” and pushed aside as fast as possible.

Another reason to pressure ourselves and make ourselves believe that we are the only one in this world not being able to gain clarity about our life and our future.

Another reason to feel desperate and think we’ll never get un-stuck or move forward.


But that couldn’t be further from the truth.

The truth is, by figuring out what you don’t like, you made a HUGE step forward. 

Find out more in this week’s video and keep moving. You’re on the right path to designing a life you love.




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