The 5 key attributes of successful Life Designers

Being a Life Designer requires a special set of skills.

I am talking less about technical skills, or methodologies, or tools and more about a certain way of acting and thinking.
Simply put, I am talking about a certain way of living.

To become a successful Life Designer and to create a unique future which is designed around your values, needs and aspirations,
you need to acquire and practice these 5 key attributes.

I call it the “5-C-Formula” for turning challenges into great opportunities: 
  • Curiosity – never stop being curious about what is happening around you
  • Connection – grow your self-awareness
  • Collaboration – teamwork, sharing and inspiring each other
  • Change of perspective – if you feel stuck, reframe and approach it from a different perspective
  • Commitment to action – change doesn’t happen in your head alone. Take action.
Watch my latest video and start practicing your 5-Cs.

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