Why Workinbalance

M ork is an essential part of ourselves, of our happiness, our sense of accomplishment, fulfilment, and success.

We are all striving to give our best at work and bring out our unique, creative, engaged, and committed self.

In the long-term, however, this is only possible if the way we work is in balance with all that truly matters to us. Our professional journey needs to be aligned with our values, wishes and expectations for ourselves and our lives.

In reality, we have often created work habits and work environments that result in the opposite. There is a mismatch or incompatibility with other important life areas.

For employees, this can result in demotivation and disengagement, physical and emotional exhaustion, negative stress and burn-out.

For companies and organisations, this can result in higher costs due to absence and inefficiency, higher employee turnover and therefore higher costs for recruitment and training as well as difficulties in attracting new talent.

This is why I created Workinbalance.

To support individuals, organisations, and companies in exploring tools and techniques which foster our sense of alignment and balance between different important life areas. Together, we will create a work culture and environment that helps people to flourish and thrive, professionally as well as in their personal lives.
